Terms and Conditions
By completing an online or physical registration form the subscriber will enter into an agreement with Imaginet. This agreement about the services that the subscriber will receive is governed by these Terms and Conditions.
Once the subscriber has paid the charges according to these Terms and Conditions, Imaginet will give the subscriber the relevant service.
These Terms and Conditions take precedence over any service provision agreement.
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, subscribers also agree to the Imaginet Acceptable Use Policy, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (available on the Imaginet website).
For this agreement:
"ADSL", also referred to as broadband, is a form of Internet that is always on and is faster than Dial-Up while still being affordable.
"Control Panel", also known as My[Dot], refers to the website located at http://my.imaginet.co.za.
"Charges" means the charges for any services that must be paid to Imaginet.
"Dial-Up" is the cheapest, most basic form of Internet. It can be used on any computer, but is slow and any phone calls used for Dial-Up Internet will be billed by Telkom.
"Domicilium", also referred to as domicilium citandi et executandi, is the address for service and delivery of documents. Documents delivered to this address will be considered received, even if they were never received by the subscriber.
"Domain name" means the name that a subscriber wants to give to his/her website. A subscriber can register almost any domain name as long as it hasn't already been registered by someone else.
"URL" refers to the website address. This starts with http://www and ends with an extension like .co.za, .com, .net, .info, .biz, and so on.
"Dusk2Dawn" is a service that Imaginet offers, where the subscriber's connection speed is shaped during the day (from 07:00 to 19:00) and unshaped at night (from 19:00 to 07:00).
"Hard-capped" means that when a subscriber's chosen bandwidth limit is reached, he/she will be cut off from using the Internet for the rest of the payment period.
“Home Uncapped” refers to an ADSL package which is not limited by bandwidth, but by connection speed. It differs from other Uncapped packages in that it becomes throttled at a lower threshold and is recommended for users with low bandwidth requirements.
"Hosting" is a service that Imaginet offers, where they set up virtual housing for a subscriber's website, somewhere to store all of the content that will be placed on it.
"Imaginet" means Alexandre Miller CC Trading as Imaginet.
"Imaginet website" refers to the website located at http://www.imaginet.co.za.
"Local Only" is a service that Imaginet offers, where the subscriber can only access pages that are hosted locally.
"Payment period" means the amount of time that a service has been used for and that the subscriber needs to pay for, or the duration of a contract.
"Per GB" is a form of ADSL that Imaginet offers, whereby the subscriber receives a bundle of GB with top-up bundles available.
"POP traffic" means incoming emails and email traffic to the subscriber.
"Registration" means completing the online registration process (available on the Imaginet website) or an offline application process to register for Imaginet services.
"Semi-shaped" means that a subscriber's Internet is shaped during certain hours and for certain things, and unshaped thereafter.
"Server" means the Imaginet hardware where information is stored.
"Service" means Internet access, web hosting, website design and/or other services that Imaginet offers to the subscriber and are described on the Imaginet website or during the registration process.
"Shaped" means that a subscriber's connection speed is going to be slow for most transactions with the exceptions of e-mail access, Internet banking and other simple transactions.
"Site Builder", also known as Tesla, is the basic site building service that Imaginet offers, where a subscriber can create a simplistic website without having any previous design experience.
"Site Creator", also referred to as Web Presence, is the site building service that Imaginet offers, where a subscriber can create a customisable website without having any previous design experience.
"Soft-capped" means that when the subscriber's chosen bandwidth is reached, he/she can continue to use the Internet but will be charged for any additional usage.
"SPAM", also referred to as Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE) or junk-mail, is mail, often used for marketing purposes, that is not asked for, not wanted, and occasionally contains viruses, worms or Trojans.
"Subscriber" means the person or company that has registered with Imaginet for the service and includes any other person who makes use of the service with the subscriber’s permission.
"SMTP traffic" means outgoing e-mails and mail traffic from the subscriber.
"Tesla", also known as Site Builder, is the basic site building service that Imaginet offers, where a subscriber can create a simplistic website without having any previous design experience.
"Throttling" means the gradual shaping of an unshaped account because of high or excessive usage of bandwidth on that account
"Trojan", also referred to as a Trojan horse, means a program that contains something that harms your computer like a virus or a worm.
"Uncapped" means ADSL that is not limited by bandwidth, but by connection speed.
"Unshaped" means that a subscriber's connection is going to be fast for all transactions that the subscriber makes.
"Usage" means an unpredictable and changeable part of a service (like web hosting disk space, web hosting data traffic, ADSL data traffic).
“VDSL” stands for Very high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line and can refer to either the ADSL line itself or the ADSL package attached to the line depending on the context in which it is being used.
"Virus" means a harmful piece of software that, once opened or accessed by a program, duplicates itself and harms your computer. Once it has been opened, a virus is spread to other computers when it is accessed by those computers or when it is sent to another computer via e-mail.
"Web Presence," also referred to as Site Creator, is the site building service that Imaginet offers, where a subscriber can create a customisable website without having any previous design experience.
"Worm" means a harmful piece of software, similar to a virus, that can be spread quickly over networks without being opened or accessed by any programs.
Once the registration is complete, Imaginet will activate the subscriber’s account and let him/her use the service according to these Terms and Conditions.
Before Imaginet can activate an account, they need to have the subscriber's valid Visa or MasterCard details, or details of a current cheque or savings bank account, for debit order purposes. Alternatively, the subscriber can request an advanced invoice which will cover fees for a period of three (3) months. This will be due for payment via EFT. This applies to domain and hosting services only. Consult Management on other payment arrangements.
The subscriber will receive an invoice via email on the first day of each month indicating fees incurred and balances due. Invoice(s) will be sent to the subscriber’s domicilium.
On the first working day of each month, Imaginet will run an automated billing system to recover all amounts due, using the payment details that the subscriber provided. Though Imaginet can try to let the subscriber know about upcoming charges when they are asked, it is the subscriber's responsibility to make sure that the amount due is in the provided bank account whether he/she was told about the charge in advance or not.
Subscribers who provide details for automated payments agree to the following terms and conditions:
The subscriber authorises Imaginet to issue and deliver payment instructions to their bank for collection against their account commencing on the next billing date and continuing until this Authority and Mandate is terminated by the subscriber as per these terms and conditions.
The subscriber understands that the withdrawals hereby authorised will be processed through a computerized system provided by the South African Banks and that details of each withdrawal will be printed on his/her bank statement and reflect the name NETCASH, SAGEPAY or IMAGINET.
The subscriber acknowledges that all payment instructions issued by Imaginet shall be treated by his/her bank as if the instructions had been issued by the subscriber personally.
The subscriber agrees that although he/she may change his/her banking details or request that they be removed, this will not constitute a cancellation of services or of this Agreement. The subscriber shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts which you have withdrawn while this authority was in force, if such amounts were legally owing to you.
Where a subscriber changes the payment details via email, telephone or through his/her control panel, the authorisation provided for the original details will be adjusted to reflect the updated details provided.
If the subscriber chooses to pay for his/her services in advance, a credit will be added to his/her account. The subscriber will continue to receive invoices indicating the payment due and the credit remaining, and such payments will then be deducted from any credit on the subscriber’s account.
Should an automated payment fail, or should an amount become outstanding without an automated payment being processed for it for any reason (including, but not limited to, details becoming invalid, details expiring, or advanced payments depleting), payment in full will be required before the 10th day of the relevant month.
All accounts with outstanding balances on the 10th of each month will become suspended until such a time as full payment has been received.
If an account becomes suspended for reasons which include, but are not limited to, payments not being received or fraudulent activity, a reconnection fee of R101.00 (one hundred and one Rand), including VAT, will be incurred on accounts which require reinstatement. Such fees will be included in the invoice which follows the reconnection of the account.
The subscriber understands that it is his/her responsibility to ensure that invoices are received and that all items listed in such invoices are correct.
A subscriber can contest a non-contract charge from his/her invoice up to twenty-four (24) hours after the invoice has been sent by Imaginet. Thereafter, no charges can be reversed or refunded.
The subscriber can add to, or change (upgrade, downgrade or switch) their services, keeping to this agreement and relevant Imaginet policies, through the Control Panel, by sending a written request to the Imaginet Accounts Department by email to accounts@imaginet.co.za or by faxing a request to 086 001 1101.
A minimum full calendar month's notice is required* for all services unless otherwise stated. Promotions carry additional terms. Early cancellation fees may apply.
*Example: for non-renewal to be effected at the end of August, notice of non-renewal must be received on or before the last day of July.
For contracts that are longer than one month, Imaginet will let the subscriber know that the contract is expiring 40-80 business days before it expires.
Charges cannot be refunded unless this agreement is properly ended by the subscriber, because of a fault on Imaginet's part, or where section 1.8. applies.
Unless otherwise discussed, should a charge be refunded because of a fault on Imaginet’s part, such a refund will not be provided in cash, but will be added as a credit onto the subscriber’s account.
Services that have fixed-rate or unchanging charges will be billed in advance.
Services that are charged for usage are billed monthly, after the payment period has ended.
The subscriber will not be able to get any discount, refund or other form of credit for any suspension, interruption or delay of services that happens, or if he/she has used less than the minimum bandwidth than the service requires.
The subscriber must pay any unpaid amounts at the end of his/her contract, and the subscriber agrees that:
transfers, DNS pointing and/or name server updates on domains connected to the subcriber’s account will not be permitted until such a time as payment has been received by Imaginet;
he/she will not have access to any hardware or software that is provided by Imaginet on a rent-to-own basis or that is rightfully the property of Imaginet until such a time as payment has been received by Imaginet; and
the only exception to the above is if this agreement was properly ended by the subscriber, or because of a fault on Imaginet's part.
Imaginet can change the charge for any service or for a part of any service by giving at least 20 business days' notice and by drawing attention to those changes on the Imaginet website. Notice will be given by email sent to the My[Dot] email address that the subscriber receives after registration. If the subscriber does not agree with the changes, he/she can cancel this agreement at the end of the payment period after giving Imaginet 20 business days' written notice. Imaginet will not place any responsibility on the subscriber or any third party should the termination of this agreement occur because of this clause.
If a subscriber doesn't follow the payment guidelines explained in this agreement, Imaginet can:
cancel the subscriber’s service; or
refer the subscriber to a collection agency.
In cases where a subscriber becomes referred to a collection agency, additional collection fees may be incurred, and the collection agency may blacklist the subscriber with any or all credit bureau agencies within South Africa. Should this happen, Imaginet will not be responsible for, or required to help with, removing or cancelling any information that a credit bureau records.
In some cases, when a subscriber completes the registration late into the month, a percentage of the normal amount will be charged for the first payment period. For details about the Initiating Service Charges Policy, contact Imaginet's Accounts Department by phone on 086 111 1101 or by e-mail to accounts@imaginet.co.za.
Imaginet will give the subscriber Internet access and access to email, domain services, and/or web hosting according to the choices that the subscriber makes during registration.
Other services might occasionally be added to the subscriber's services at no additional cost, and if this happens, Imaginet will inform the subscriber about those additional services.
Physical products will be delivered via door-to-door courier service to main city centres only. Delivery to outlying areas is subject to a surcharge. A separate quote for delivery to outlying areas will be provided to the client for approval before any packages are shipped.
The subscriber understands that Imaginet doesn't know about, has no control over and doesn’t check the content that the subscriber publishes on a website that is hosted by Imaginet. The subscriber understands that hosting or publishing of certain kinds of content could be offensive, unlawful and in breach of Imaginet's codes of conduct, South African legislation (including regulations), common law and the requirements and rules of any regulatory authority. The subscriber also understands that the hosting and publication of certain kinds of content could cause harm to Imaginet's name, goodwill and reputation, as well as that of it's affiliates and business partners.
The subscriber agrees that, if Imaginet thinks his/her content is offensive, unlawful or harmful, or the subscriber has uploaded and used illegal or harmful software or licences, they can (without taking away from any of their other rights in terms of this agreement):
ask the subscriber to immediately remove the offensive, unlawful or harmful content;
ask the subscriber to immediately change the content;
delete the subscriber's website from the server without notice; or
remove the subscriber's access to the website without notice.
Imaginet will make every effort to notify the subscriber about any action taken, but does not guarantee that notice will be given to the subscriber before any action is taken.
The subscriber agrees that nothing that Imaginet does when seeing out any obligations set out in this agreement or in the carrying on of its business in general will be understood as Imaginet taking on responsibility for the content of the subscriber's website or the illegal use of software or licences and their publication, whether Imaginet knows that such content is being published or not. The subscriber also indemnifies Imaginet and holds it harmless against any liability and any claims by any person for any loss or damage that is suffered because of the hosting or publication of content or software by the subscriber or any other data that is on the subscriber's website.
Imaginet will make every effort to prevent the theft or fraudulent acquisition of any sensitive information in their possession, including subscriber's usernames, passwords and billing details.
The subscriber is entirely responsible for preventing the theft or fraudulent acquisition of sensitive information in their possession, including, but not limited to, usernames and passwords that are used to access Imaginet's services.
The subscriber is entirely liable for any and all charges that come from unauthorised use of the services on their property and/or for the theft or deceitful acquiring of sensitive information in their possession.
Cession, Delegation Or Assignment
The subscriber will not give up, assign, delegate or in any other way transfer any of his/her rights and obligations set out in this agreement to another person without first receiving Imaginet's consent in writing.
Should there be any change in the subscriber's controlling interest, Imaginet will be entitled to terminate this agreement once the subscriber has been notified.
The subscriber will notify Imaginet of any change in his/her controlling interest within fourteen days of such a change taking place.
Imaginet will be entitled to give up, assign or delegate any of their rights or obligations set out in this agreement to an affiliate of Imaginet or any third party without the subscriber's consent.
The subscriber chooses domicilium citandi et executandi ("domicilium") for giving any notice, servicing any process and for any other purpose discussed in this agreement at the address given during registration.
Regarding the delivery of notices to a subscriber’s domicilium:
Any notice sent to an email address or fax number that the subscriber has indicated as his/her domicilium will be considered received, unless proven otherwise, on the first (1st) business day after the notice was successfully sent.
Any notice to a party that is in a correctly addressed envelope and that is sent by prepaid registered post to the subscriber’s domicilium will be considered received, unless proven otherwise, on the seventh (7th) business day after posting.
Any notice to a party that is in a correctly addressed envelope and that is delivered by hand to a responsible person during ordinary business hours at the subscriber’s domicilium will be considered received, unless proven otherwise, on the day of delivery.
Regarding the changing of domicilium:
Either of the parties can, on occasion, change their domicilium to any other physical address in South Africa (not a post office box) by giving written notice, as long as the change occurs 14 calendar days after the notice has been received.
Either of the parties can, on occasion, change the email address that they have indicated as their domicilium by giving written notice at any time.
Notice or communication that is, according to this agreement, needed or allowed will only be valid and effective if it is in writing and delivered by hand, post, fax or e-mail.
The subscriber understands that it is his/her responsibility to ensure that the information that Imaginet retains as his/her domicilium is current and up to date. Imaginet will only remain responsible for sending notifications to the email address that they have listed as the primary contact address for any account.
With the exceptions of overdue payments, if either of the parties involved in this agreement break any of these Terms and Conditions and do not remedy the situation 7 (seven) calendar days after receiving a written notice requiring the situation to be remedied, the party that is not at fault can, without giving up any of the rights it may have been given by this agreement or by the law, terminate this agreement as they see fit by giving written notice to the party at fault. If the situation cannot be remedied in 7 (seven) calendar days, the period for remedying the situation will be extended for a reasonable amount of time.
Commencement, Duration And Termination
This agreement will begin once the registration has been completed and
in the case of non-contract services, will continue indefinitely unless one of the parties terminates the agreement by giving notice in writing twenty (20) business days before the payment period expires, or
in the case of contract services, will automatically terminate after the initial period unless the subscriber provides sufficient written notice of intention to renew to Imaginet. Details of the notice that is required will be discussed in such a contract.
If the subscriber does not pay Imaginet the subscription charges that are due, Imaginet can terminate or suspend this agreement as they see fit.
Imaginet can terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason by giving the subscriber 1 (one) month's notice in writing. If the subscriber has not broken any of the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, Imaginet will refund all paid subscription charges that the subscriber has not received the services for.
If a subscriber abuses any Imaginet employee, Imaginet has the right to terminate that subscriber's account at the end of that calendar month.
Although Imaginet will make every effort to provide the subscriber with disaster recovery, they do not specify a recovery time and cannot be held liable for any loss or damage of any nature that is suffered by the subscriber because Imaginet failed to provide, was delayed in providing or could only provide partial disaster recovery. Though nothing in this section is meant to suggest or guarantee that the backing up of data will be successful or will in any way prevent disaster, the subscriber is advised to make back-ups of his/her data as a preventative measure.
Imaginet is not responsible for the failure of any e-mail delivery or the loss of any
e-mail and does not keep copies of e-mails once they have been sent or received by the subscriber.
Imaginet can take any action that they feel is necessary at any time to maintain the security and reliable operation of the Imaginet network. The subscriber commits to not doing anything or not having anything done which would compromise such security.
This agreement is governed by South African law and is to be understood and take effect according to those laws.
Imaginet will give the subscriber a SMTP/POP3 e-mail service according to the choices that the subscriber makes in his/her registration and at the cost that was specified there.
The cost for the SMTP/POP3 e-mail service does not include SMTP server set-up costs.
Imaginet is not responsible for any failed deliveries or any loss of e-mail.
The subscriber agrees to take all reasonable steps to make sure that their e-mail service is not used as a relay and, if relaying does occur, Imaginet has the right to suspend or terminate a subscriber's service until the subscriber has stopped the relaying.
Imaginet sets a limit of 2.5 GB of POP traffic per Imaginet e-mail address and the same limit for forwarding to Imaginet e-mail addresses. If this limit is reached, Imaginet can suspend the subscriber's e-mail address for the rest of the calendar month.
The subscriber understands that, should he/she choose to use Imaginet’s mail servers for an email address at his/her domain, any emails sent and received will contribute towards his/her monthly traffic allowance.
Imaginet can change the POP traffic limit that is included with any service by giving at least 30 days notice and by drawing attention to that information on the Imaginet website and/or the Control Panel.
Though Imaginet will include e-mail anti-virus scanning for all subscribers and will make every effort to keep the definitions updated and able to detect the latest known viruses, they cannot guarantee that every e-mail virus will be blocked before it is delivered.
Though Imaginet will include e-mail SPAM blocking for all subscribers and will make every effort to to block SPAM and avoid mistaking valid e-mails as SPAM, they cannot guarantee that every SPAM message will be blocked before it is delivered, and they cannot guarantee that every valid e-mail will be delivered when it is mistaken for SPAM.
The subscriber is responsible for making sure that their equipment is protected against viruses and that their operating systems are regularly patched and updated.
Imaginet might occasionally send marketing materials to the subscriber via e-mail. If a subscriber does not want to receive such marketing materials, they can send a written request for exclusion to Imaginet by post to their domicilium, fax to 086 001 1101 or by an e-mail to accounts@imaginet.co.za. However, requesting exclusion from these marketing materials does not exempt the subscriber from receiving e-mails regarding important system or service notifications that could affect his/her service.
Use of Imaginet's SMTP server is subject to the following restrictions:
Authentication is always required to relay using smtp.imaginet.co.za.
Relay on port 25 (normal smtp) is limited to South Africa IP only.
Relay on port 465 (secure smtp) may be used from anywhere.
May not send from a free mail address (yahoo, hotmail, gmail address)
Max of 400 recipients per hour.
Max of 5 concurrent connections per host.
Max message size of 50MB
Max of 20 mails per smtp session.
Max of 40 recipients per message
When instructed to do so by the subscriber through a registration form or via the Imaginet website, Imaginet will arrange for the registration, transfer, modification and/or forwarding of a domain name.
The subscriber understands that the registration, transfer, modification and/or forwarding of a domain name needs to abide by the rules of those responsible for domain registrations and that Imaginet cannot guarantee the registration of the particular domain name selected by the subscriber.
The subscriber confirms that he/she has a right to own the domain name, or the permission of someone who does have that right, and that using the domain name does not violate the intellectual property rights of anyone who might have a claim to that domain name. The subscriber also indemnifies and frees Imaginet from any responsibility and any claims that come from the improper use of the domain name.
Charges for the registration of domain names are not refundable once Imaginet has registered the name on the subscriber's behalf. This includes, but is not limited to, cases where a mistake (such as the misspelling of the domain name) has been made by the subscriber.
The subscriber understands that a domain cannot be registered without parking or a hosting package, and that a parking fee of R50.00 may be charged for domains that are registered without a hosting package. This fee is subject to change from time to time.
The subscriber understands that domains are registered on an annual basis and that, after one year, he/she will need to pay a renewal fee in order to keep such a domain. Such renewal fees are subject to change from time to time.
After one year, domains will automatically be renewed on an annual basis, unless the subscriber gives Imaginet written notice of intention to terminate such a domain before the 24th of the month.
Imaginet will inform the subscriber that the domain is scheduled for renewal at least one (1) month before the renewal is due so that the subscriber will be informed early enough to provide the above-mentioned written notice. Such communication will be sent via email to the address listed as the subscriber’s domicilium, unless
The subscriber’s account is suspended at the time that the communication is sent out by Imaginet, or
The subscriber has previously terminated or requested the termination of such a domain on or before the renewal date.
The subscriber understands that if he/she is suspended at the time that the domain is scheduled for renewal, such a domain will not be renewed and the renewal fee will not be added to the outstanding amount.
The subscriber further understands the following regarding the registration of all domain names:
The Agreement between Imaginet and the Domain name owner will beconstrued and interpreted in accordance with the law of the Republic of South Africa.The Applicant acknowledges that Imaginet or ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) may oblige Imaginet to make changes to or supplement the Agreement or parts of the Agreement (“amendments”) if these amendments are reasonably necessary for the administration of a Namespace. In the case of amendments required by Imaginet these amendments will be published on the Imaginet website or the client will be informed by e-mail from time to time. In order to carry out this policy, the Applicant accepts that it is incumbent on it to monitor such changes and it hereby agrees that should it fail to notify Imaginet of the Applicant's wish not to be bound by such amendments within 30 (thirty) days of such amendment being published, it will conclusively be deemed to have acceded and agreed to the amendments thus published. In the event that any of these terms are found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such terms will be severable from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid and enforceable.
Imaginet will under no circumstances be obliged to determine the right of the Applicant to the Domain Name. Domain names are delegated on a "first-come-first served" basis and the delegation of the Domain Name by Imaginet will in no way constitute any indication or warranty of the Applicant's right to utilise such name.
Imaginet gives no warranties of any nature whatsoever with regard to the Domain Name, the registration or use thereof and hereby disclaim all such warranties, whether express or implied.
Imaginet, its directors, officers, employees, and agents will under no circumstances whatsoever be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind and howsoever arising (including, without limitation, loss of use, business interruption or lost profits), regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, delict, or otherwise, even if Imaginet has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
The Applicant will indemnify, defend, and hold Imaginet and its directors, officers, employees, and agents harmless against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) relating to or arising out of the applicant's domain name registration.
The Aplicants duties include the following :
The Applicant must provide to Imaginet accurate and reliable contact details and correct and update them within seven (7) days of any change during the term of the Domain Name registration.
The Applicant's wilful provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, its wilful failure to update information provided to Imaginet within seven (7) days of any change, or its failure to respond for over fifteen (15) days to inquiries by Imaginet concerning the accuracy of contact details associated with the Applicant's registration will constitute a material breach of the Applicant-registrar contract and be a basis for suspension and/or cancellation of the Domain Name registration.
Any Applicant that intends to license use of a Domain Name to a third party is nonetheless the Applicant of record and is responsible for providing its own full contact information and for providing and updating accurate technical and administrative contact information adequate to facilitate timely resolution of any problems that arise in connection with the Domain Name. An Applicant licensing use of a Domain Name according to this provision will accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the Domain Name, unless it discloses the current contact information provided by the licensee and the identity of the licensee within seven (7) days to a party providing the Applicant reasonable evidence of actionable harm.
In the event that any of these terms are found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such terms will be severable from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid and enforceable.
The transfer of a domain to Imaginet is free of charge. The only cost would be hosting attached to the domain and the annual renewal fee when due. Transfer away from Imaginet is now charged at R115.00. This is to cover administration and personnel costs.
According to the choices that the subscriber makes during his/her registration, Imaginet will host the subscriber's website on their server and provide the features that are described on the Imaginet website.
Imaginet will offer a range of Web Hosting services divided as follows:
Starter Hosting;
Business Hosting; and
ASP Hosting (Deprecated October 2014)
The subscriber understands that it is his/her responsibility to ensure that the Hosting solution selected is appropriate for his/her needs. Imaginet will make every effort to inform the subscriber of the differences between the Hosting solutions and assist with the selection of a hosting package to suit the subscriber’s needs.
No cap is placed on the disk usage or traffic of Web Hosting services and, as the disk space allowance is usage based, the subscriber will be responsible for paying all excess charges where an amount of R0.14 per MB will be charged for all storage exceeding the included disk space allowance. Such charges will be calculated for the average usage on the hosting package for the month in question.
The subscriber understands that, should he/she choose to use Imaginet’s mail servers for an email address at his/her domain, any emails stored on the server will contribute towards his/her disk usage. The subscriber will be responsible for the backup and removal of such emails should it be required. Imaginet will not be held responsible for any loss of data resulting from the removal of emails from their servers.
Imaginet may send out a notification when the subscriber’s traffic allowance has reached 90% of his/her package’s usage capacity, however these notifications are not guaranteed and it remains the subscriber’s responsibility to ensure that he/she is aware of his/her traffic usage. Such usage can be accessed via the Control Panel.
Imaginet will take reasonable steps to make sure that the subscriber's website is secure from unauthorised access.
Imaginet is not responsible for any illegal software or licences that are used by the subscriber.
The supply and costs of development, design and/or maintenance of the subscriber's website, including HTML, ASP, PHP and other coding, are not included in the Web Hosting fee as set out on the Imaginet website, the registration form and this agreement unless otherwise specified.
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with a basic site building service, known as Site Creator or Plesk Web Presence, to be used in conjunction with a hosting package supplied by Imaginet.
Site Creator services will be available to the subscriber through his/her Control Panel.
The subscriber understands that the Site Creator service is offered as is, and no adjustments or additional features beyond what are advertised are, or will become, available through Imaginet.
The subscriber undertakes to ensure that all contents, updates and adjustments are saved as auto-saving is not a feature of the service. Imaginet is in no way responsible for the loss of content due to such content not being saved correctly.
Site Creator is a basic service and by providing the service, Imaginet in no way takes responsibility for the design of the subscriber's website. Should the service not meet the subscriber's needs, it is Imaginet's recommendation that the subscriber employ a designer to assist with his/her needs. Imaginet is in no way responsible for finding such a designer for the subscriber.
The subscriber understands that Site Creator is third party software and Imaginet are not responsible, nor are they able, to make adjustments to such software. Should the subscriber experience any difficulties with using the services, Imaginet will help to the furthest extent that they are able and, should they not be able to resolve the problem, will instruct the subscriber on further measures that can be taken to resolve the problem with the third party.
The subscriber understands that, though Imaginet may assist with setting up of third party software within the Site Creator platform, such as shopping cart functionality, Imaginet is in no way responsible for troubleshooting for such software and is not liable for any payments made through such functionality or failures of such payments. The subscriber uses such functionality at his/her own risk.
The subscriber understands that Site Creator is an Imaginet product offering and that Imaginet may advertise as such on his/her website in a way that will not distract from the information that the subscriber chooses to place on his/her site. This may be done through the use of text and/or images placed on the subscriber’s Site Creator website as Imaginet sees fit. Advertising placed on the website by Imaginet is subject to change from time to time.
Should the subscriber wish to transfer his/her domain or website away from Imaginet, he/she understands that, while the content created through Site Creator may be copied and transferred to alternate providers, editing and modifications can only be done through the Imaginet servers. He/she will therefore not be able to make any alterations to the content while receiving hosting services for the domain through other providers.
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with a basic site building service, known as Tesla, to be used in conjunction with a hosting package supplied by Imaginet. Tesla comes complete with:
a choice of page layouts, backgrounds, menu graphics, colour schemes; and
five modules consisting of a customisable homepage, contact page, blog, photo gallery and template builder.
The subscriber understands that Tesla is an Imaginet product and that Imaginet can advertise as such on his/her website in a way that will not distract from the information that the subscriber chooses to place on his/her site and through the use of text or images placed in the sidebar or footer of the subscriber’s Tesla website as Imaginet sees fit. Advertising placed on the website by Imaginet is subject to change from time to time.
The subscriber understands that not all packages are compatible with all modules and it is his/her responsibility to ensure that the hosting package that he/she chooses is compatible with the modules that he/she wants to use.
The subscriber understands that Tesla is a basic service and that by providing the service, Imaginet in no way takes responsibility for the design of the subscriber's website. Should the Tesla service not meet the subscriber's needs, it is Imaginet's recommendation that the subscriber make use of alternate services (such as their Site Creator) or employ a designer to assist with his/her needs. Imaginet is in no way responsible for finding such a designer for the subscriber.
The subscriber will be completely responsible for the buying, managing, security and maintenance of all necessary computer equipment, networking equipment, modems, operating systems, software and all Telkom rental and phone bills used to connect to the Internet.
The subscriber will be completely responsible for the buying, managing, securing and maintaining of all necessary computer equipment, networking equipment, modems, operating systems, software and all Telkom rental and phone bills used to connect to the Internet.
Telkom describes ADSL as a "best effort" service. This means that, as Imaginet relies on Telkom for supply of ADSL, they cannot guarantee speeds, availability or the usefulness of the service for any application.
In the case of all hard-capped ADSL services, such as Capped @, ADSL Express and ADSL Express Plus packages, once the subscriber's usage reaches or exceeds the monthly traffic allowance, the service will not work until the beginning of the following calendar month.
In the case of all soft-capped ADSL services, such as ADSL Freestyle and ADSL Freestyle Plus, a soft limit is placed on the subscriber's usage and, unless specified otherwise, is automatically set to double the data contained within the package. This limit can be adjusted by the subscriber through his/her Control Panel. The subscriber is responsible for all usage charges, including out-of-bundle usage which will be charged in 100MB increments.
In the case of all Per GB ADSL services, a soft-limit is placed on the subscriber’s usage. This limit is set at the usage provided by the package, but can be adjusted by the subscriber through his/her Control Panel. The subscriber is responsible for all usage charges, including out-of-bundle usage which will be charged in 1GB increments.
Imaginet may send out a notification when the subscriber’s usage has reached 90% of his/her package’s allocated bandwidth, however these notifications are not guaranteed and it remains the subscriber’s responsibility to ensure that he/she is aware of his/her ADSL usage. Such usage can be accessed via the Control Panel.
Once a subscriber’s soft or hard limit has been reached, the subscriber will not have access to any webpages through the package. Imaginet will, however, continue to provide access to the subscriber’s Control Panel to allow for adjustments to be made and upgrades to be requested.
The subscriber is completely responsible for making sure that their computer, network and ADSL equipment are secured against the theft of sensitive information. The subscriber is also completely responsible for all charges that result from unauthorised use of the services on his/her premises and/or the theft or fraudulent acquisition of sensitive information that is in the subscriber's possession including, but not limited to, the usernames and passwords that are used to access the services.
Should the subscriber contact Imaginet's Technical Support, Imaginet will help the subscriber with the technical details of making sure that an ADSL line is secured against the most common ways used to steal usernames, passwords and bandwidth. Such help will not, however, be considered a waiver of Imaginet's rights or indemnity as set out in these terms and conditions. Imaginet has no control over the subscriber's equipment or security practices, and cannot be held responsible for any security breaches on the subscriber's premises or with the subscriber's equipment, even if they have offered the subscriber advice in this area.
Should the subscriber wish to upgrade his/her package, he/she can do so at any time. The difference in price between the smaller and larger package will then be included in the next invoice that he/she receives.
Should the subscriber wish to downgrade his/her package, he/she can do so before the last day of the month. Should the request be received thereafter, the subscriber will be required to pay for the larger package for the following payment period.
Should the subscriber wish to change his/her package to a package of another type (eg. from Freestyle to Uncapped), he/she can request this change at any time, however if the change occurs on or after the first of the month, he/she will be required to pay for both packages in full for the following payment period.
Should the subscriber wish to cancel their subscription to this service, he/she can do so at any time, however if this cancellation occurs after the 24th of the month, they will be required to pay for the following payment period.
ADSL And VDSL Line Terms And Conditions
Imaginet will manage the ADSL or VDSL portion of the subscriber’s line at the request of the subscriber and according to the terms laid out in the Line Service Agreement.
Imaginet will assist with the installation of the ADSL or VDSL portion of a subscriber’s line at the speed requested by the subscriber and where these such lines are made available through Telkom in the subscriber’s area.
The subscriber understands that Imaginet’s service(s) do not include any Telkom voice rental charges or support for the Telkom voice line. He/she also understands that all charges and support that he/she needs for his/her Telkom voice line will be managed by Telkom and are not part of the service that Imaginet agrees to provide.
The subscriber understands that by selecting a Line package or a package where “+ Line” is specifically stated in the package name, he/she is requesting and thus entitling Imaginet to order the necessary line on his/her behalf or have his/her existing ADSL or VDSL line migrated to Imaginet.
The subscriber further understands that only where a package specifically states “+ Line” in the package name does the package include the monthly ADSL or VDSL line rental in the pricing. He/She also understands that line support and troubleshooting can only be done for lines that are under Imaginet’s management.
Imaginet will not provide ADSL lines as stand-alone packages. In order for a client to have their ADSL line managed by Imaginet, the client must be using at least 1 (one) Imaginet ADSL data service.
For further ADSL line terms and conditions, please view the ADSL Line Service Agreement which can be found at http://www.imaginet.co.za/html/misc/ADSL_Line_Terms_and_Conditions.pdf
Home Uncapped Terms And Conditions
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with this service at the connection speed that is chosen by the subscriber during the registration process.
The subscriber is aware that Home Uncapped packages are not billed pro-rata and will therefore be charged at their full price regardless of how late in the month the package is requested.
The subscriber is aware that Home Uncapped services are managed according to the last 7 days usage projected to 30 days as well as the available capacity on the first tier provider's network at all times. Packages using large amounts of bandwidth will be managed down to a maximum of 50% of the account speed. Should the demand on the network exceed available capacity these thresholds may be managed more aggressively by the first tier provider.
The subscriber understands that Home Uncapped packages do not include any Imaginet email addresses, and that it is his/her responsibility to ensure that, should he/she upgrade to a Home Uncapped package, all previously provided Imaginet email addresses are terminated. Addresses that are not terminated will be charged at a rate of R20.00 per address per month.
Imaginet will provide the supplier with this service at the connection speed that is chosen by the subscriber during the registration process.
The subscriber is aware that Uncapped packages are not billed pro-rata, and will therefore be charged at their full price regardless of when the package was requested.
The subscriber understands that this service is subject to an Acceptable Use Policy as follows:
Each user’s package is assigned a star rating out of 5 stars.
All packages start on 5 starts, and are completely unshaped.
Each package’s usage is added up over a 10 day rolling window to determine its star rating. The rolling window does NOT reset at the start of a new month.
If a user’s total data usage over a 10 day period adds up to more than 80% of the average usage for all packages of that type, that user will lose one star from his/her rating. For Uncapped 4096 packages, the throttling point is set to 50% of the average.
The higher a user’s total usage over 10 days, the lower their star rating will be. The lower the star rating, the more shaped and throttled the service will be.
Throttling starts with ports typically used for p2p and file sharing.
This AUP is implemented to ensure that those users who use less data will have a better quality connection. No limit is placed on the total volume of traffic that can be uploaded or downloaded.
This AUP is determined by our First Tier Provider, meaning that Imaginet does not control how it is implemented. Further details of the terms and conditions that apply to these services can be found here.
Imaginet will make this service available to the subscriber to be used in two separate locations. The subscriber understands that the use of this service in two locations simultaneously will lead to the connection speed being shared between the locations, while using the service at one location at a time will restore the full connection speed.
The subscriber understands that Uncapped packages do not include any Imaginet email addresses, and that it is his/her responsibility to ensure that, should he/she upgrade to an Uncapped package, all previously provided Imaginet email addresses are terminated. Addresses that are not terminated will be charged at a rate of R20.00 per address per month.
Business Services Terms And Conditions
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with the service at the connection speed or with the data allowance that is chosen by the subscriber during the registration process.
Imaginet will, at the subscriber’s request, register one (1) co.za domain name and provide one (1) Micro hosting package free of charge. This is subject to the following conditions:
Imaginet will only provide a .co.za domain as part of this package. Should the subscriber wish to choose another domain extension, he/she will remain liable for the full domain registration charge and no credit will be provided for the unregistered .co.za domain.
The subscriber understands that only the domain registration is provided by Imaginet and that he/she will be responsible for future renewal charges.
The subscriber understands that the Micro hosting package provided with all Business Services is subject to Imaginet’s web hosting terms and conditions.
Should the subscriber already have hosting services with Imaginet, a discount of R16.67 (ex. VAT) will be provided for one (1) hosting package. Should the subscriber not wish to make use of the hosting services offered, no discount on the base package will be provided.
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with a pre-configured router rental as part of the package and at no extra cost. This is subject to the following conditions:
The subscriber understands that the provided router must be used in conjunction with the Business Service(s). No other router can be used with these packages.
The subscriber understands that the router provided is rented throughout the period of service and agrees that he/she will in no way modify any equipment (including, but not limited to, the rental router that is provided) that is used to receive the service(s). This includes changing any settings of such equipment.
Should the subscriber wish to terminate his/her Business services, the rental router provided will need to be returned to Imaginet at the subscriber’s own cost and addressed as follows:
Attention: Imaginet
A Henry Street,
Grahamstown, 6139
Imaginet agrees to provide a rebate of R300.00 to subscribers who return the rental router within 7 calendar days of their service(s) being terminated.
The subscriber understands that rental routers that are not returned to Imaginet within one (1) month of service(s) being terminated will be charged at R1596.00 to cover the replacement of the router.
Six-to-six services will only work from 18:00 (6 PM) to 06:00 (6 AM). From 06:00 to 18:00 to service will not connect and the connection will be unavailable.
A soft-limit is placed on the subscriber’s usage. This limit is set at the usage provided by the package, but can be adjusted by the subscriber through his/her Control Panel. The subscriber is responsible for all usage charges, including out-of-bundle usage which will be charged in 1GB increments.
Imaginet may send out a notification when the subscriber’s usage has reached 90% of his/her package’s allocated bandwidth, however these notifications are not guaranteed and it remains the subscriber’s responsibility to ensure that he/she is aware of his/her ADSL usage. Such usage can be accessed via the Control Panel.
Once a subscriber’s soft or hard limit has been reached, the subscriber will not have access to any webpages through the package. Imaginet will, however, continue to provide access to the subscriber’s Control Panel to allow for adjustments to be made and upgrades to be requested.
Although we endeavour to keep our coverage data as accurate as possible, we are reliant on the maps provided to us by Openserve, which may sometimes have slight inaccuracies.
The advertised line speeds are a representation of the maximum possible throughput on that package. This speed is dependent on and varies from exchange to exchange as regulated by Openserve. In certain areas, some speeds are not achievable.
Due to Openserve infrastructure restrictions, some line speeds may not be available in your area. Check coverage in your area to see which packages are available in your area.
All Simple DSL packages are subject to an Acceptable Use Policy. Simple DSL accounts are locked to a single location. The location it gets locked to is the location you supply during sign up.
Regular Openserve copper line required to apply for a Simple DSL package. A voice line, however, is not required.
Performance is subject to contention. This means that data speeds and latency may be affected by factors outside of Imaginet’s control or demand for bandwidth at any given time.
*Save more than R200 every month
Based on a basic Telkom Landline rental package at R210pm. Actual monthly saving might differ depending on the landline package you are currently using.
Simple DSL packages are uncapped, unshaped and unthrottled. There are no usage thresholds so you can use as much data as you like, whenever you like. No throttling or shaping will be applied.
The setup fee is prescribed by Openserve, not Imaginet.
The setup fee is covered by Imaginet as part of the launch promotion.
Imaginet reserves the right to change the promotion at any time. While stocks last.
Cancelling your current DSL line
If you are an existing user of a DSL service and would like to Cancel your current data, line and Telkom phone line in order to move to the Simple DSL service, then we recommend that you do not cancel your current service(s) until a Technician has been sent out to your premises to inspect and perform the installation.
The Technician will either use the existing Infrastructure (copper and wall point) or install a completely new line, which will run simultaneously. You should only cancel your current DSL service, once your new Simple DSL service is live. This overlap of services is to ensure there is A.) No interruption of Internet Connectivity during the cross over and B.) Ensure that there are DSL ports available for your line in the Openserve local Exchanges. If you cancel your existing service on a full DSLAM and someone else's order comes up before yours, then you could lose the available port and your new Simple DSL order cannot be completed which could result in you losing your DSL Internet connection all together.
MTN 3G. Mobile, Unplugged, LTE Terms And Conditions
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with 3G services through the network and with the data allowance that is chosen by the subscriber during the registration process and according to the terms laid out in the 3G Service Agreement.
In addition, Imaginet will provide the subscriber with a 3G modem upon request. Such modems will be available for purchase upon payment of a once-off fee or for rent upon receipt of a signed and initialled 12 Month Service Agreement as provided by Imaginet.
The subscriber understands that the 3G services are reliant on network coverage, and the subscriber is advised to check the coverage in the area where the service is to be used before purchasing a service.
Neither MTN nor Imaginet can guarantee the accuracy or availabilty of network coverage data as represented on any network coverage map. Actual network coverage, quality, and availability may vary.
Network coverage, speed, stability, and availability are not guaranteed. The subscriber understands that the quality and avaiability of 3G and mobile services will vary from time to time and from one area to another. Neither Imaginet nor MTN can guarantee network quality, availability, or coverage.
The subscriber further understands that the 3G services provided through Imaginet are soft-capped and that data bundles are billed in advance on the first day of every month with additional usage being billed in arrears. Further information on the additional usage rates can be found in the full 3G Service Agreement.
The subscriber is aware of the limitations of the data provided as part of the 3G services that Imaginet offer and is aware of the conditions related to in-bundle and out-of-bundle usage as explained in the full 3G Service Agreement.
Bundles of 3G data as supplied as part of this service are valid from 00h00:00 on the first day of each month until 23h59:59 on the last calendar day of that month. Data that is included in this bundle and that remains unused does not roll over into the following month.
A subscriber can cancel his/her 3G services by providing one (1) calendar month’s written notice of cancellation.
This promotion starts on 23 February 2022 and is for a limited time only. The Uncapped MTN data product is only available to purchase together with a device, it cannot be purchased as a standalone service. Clients purchasing this promotion will receive Uncapped MTN Data during the promotional period. On the 1st of January 2023 the service will revert to a 25GB + 25GB service going forward with the renewal price remaining the same.
The service carries an Acceptable Usage Policy of 100GB. Once 100GB of usage has been reached in the current month the service’s speed will be reduced to 2Mbps. The speed reduction will reset on the 1st of the following month and will function at the full speed attainable until the 100Gb limit has been reached whereafter it will be limited to 2Mbps again.
MTN Fixed LTE is a best effort service with no minimum service levels offered. Speeds will differ and no minimum speeds are guaranteed. Many factors determine the speed and quality of service which will be achieved such as but not limited to, distance, weather, interference around and within the property.
The service is a monthly billed service which will continue on a month to month basis until cancelled. Cancellations require a full calendar months' notice and must be submitted via e-mail to: info@imaginet.co.za (Purchases on Promotion may carry additional T’s & C’s). The service can be set to upgrade or downgrade at any time (before the 25th of each month) but the new service will only be effective from the 1st of the following month provided no Service Change rules are in place (Refer to Policies and Procedures - Service Changes).
You are able to purchase additional data should your monthly allocation run out. This is a once off purchase added to your next monthly invoice. Unused topup data will rollover for one month. E.g. Purchase 10GB of Topup data on 15 October, 6GB is used up until 31 October, the remaining 4GB will be carried over to November and will be available to use up until 30 November, thereafter it will fall away. Data that has over run the available data total will be deducted from your next top-up. Example, 100GB purchased, 105GB used before capping takes place, top-up with 10GB only 5GB will be allocated.
Unused monthly data as well as topup data will rollover for 1 month. At the start of each month the rolled over data (monthly and topup) will be used first, once exhausted the monthly allocation will be used.
Night time data (where applicable) is free data that is available to use everyday between 12am and 6am. Data used during these hours will be deducted from the Night time available data balance. When Night time data is depleted, the available monthly data will be used. Night time data is Promotional data and Imaginet reserves the right to withdraw it should it be deemed necessary.
This service is a Fixed LTE service which is only available on LTE Technology (excludes 3G and 2G technologies). The service is only available at pre-defined locations as provided by MTN. During the sign up process availability will be determined according to the address provided, this is due to service availability being limited per location/area in order to provide an optimal service experience. The sim will be locked to the location provided at sign up, this location must also be the location where the first connection is made and cannot be used at another location. We reserve the right to permanently suspend and cancel a service that is found to be moved to different geographical locations often. MTN will allow one change in location per year, please provide us with 30 days’ notice thereof in order for us to submit the request timeously. Should the new location not be within MTN Fixed LTE Coverage the service will need to be cancelled. The standard cancellation policy and applicable fees will apply.
MTN have specific hardware requirements, as such the devices supplied by Imaginet with the MTN Fixed LTE service are those approved by ICASA and MTN.
Should a client opt to purchase their own device it is recommended that one be purchased from the approved Cat6 devices listed below, please note that opting to use a non-approved device may limit the Support and Service offered for the MTN Fixed LTE service.
Huawei B618
Huawei B525
Huawei B612
The Recommended LTE Devices carry a 12 month Warranty if ordered through Imaginet with their SIM, device warranty claims for the Recommended LTE Devices will be handled by Imaginet who will deal directly with the Supplier on the clients behalf.
In line with the Consumer Protection Act, Imaginet has a 5 business day return policy. Units returned must be returned as shipped (i.e. same cosmetic condition and all shipped packaging, parts and accessories included) to be eligible for refund or exchange. If the router is returned within 5 days from delivery it will be refunded or replaced with a new unit provided the unit is returned in the same condition it was received. The cost of returning the device is the responsibility of the client and will be charged to the clients account.
The SIM and Device will be delivered within 7 business days from the date of order, provided payment has cleared (payment clearance can take up to 5 days). Once delivered please allow up to 24 hours from the time the SIM Card is inserted into the device for the data to be allocated.
The purchase of the MTN Fixed LTE service is subject to RICA and you will be required to provide certain documentation when signing up as well as on delivery of the device/SIM, the requirements will be communicated to you. Clients will provide their RICA documents to the courier on delivery and the documents will be sent to Imaginet, as such please be advised that your personal details will be received by the courier, courier company and Imaginet. Your personal details will only be used for the purpose of RICA and for no other reason provided it is not required by law.
MTN Fixed LTE-A Combo / Router Promotion
This Promotion starts on 24th April 2020.
Imaginet will subsidise the cost for each router purchased (valued at up to R2 559.00) together with an MTN Fixed LTE Combo package with up to R1130.00. (Once-off router charge thus R1,429.00.) The make and model of the router is determined at Imaginet’ discretion, the router will conform to the minimum requirements as set out by MTN.
Delivery of the SIM/Router is subject to a once-off charge.
The SIM and Device will be delivered within 10 business days, provided payment has cleared. Once delivered please allow up to 24 hours from the time the SIM Card is inserted for the data to be allocated. Please note that the purchase of the MTN LTE service is subject to RICA and you will be required to provide certain documentation on delivery of the device, the requirements will be communicated to you.
Downgrades will not be permitted within 6 months of the activation date for purchases on this Promotion.
Should the service be set to cancel within 6 months of the activation date a cancellation fee of R999.00 will become payable before the cancellation is processed together with a full calendar months’ notice. Should the monthly payment for the service fall into arrears the service will be cancelled and the cancellation fee of R999.00 will automatically be billed to the clients account.
Telkom Fixed LTE is a best effort service with no minimum service levels offered. Speeds will differ according to the type of connection made. Average speeds within the specified coverage areas range between 10Mbps and 50Mbps. Many factors determine the speed and quality of service which will be achieved such as but not limited to, distance, weather, interference around and within the property.
The service is a monthly billed service which will continue on a month to month basis until cancelled. Cancellations require a minimum full calendar months' written notice. The service can be set to upgrade or downgrade at any time but the new service will only be effective from the 1st of the following month. The monthly data is referred to as anytime data, free anytime data is referred to as bonus data and free data which can be used between 12am and 7am is referred to as night surfer data. Anytime data is valid for 60 days from purchase (not exceeding 2 calendar months inclusive of the month of purchase) and the night surfer data is valid for 30 days from purchase (not exceeding the month of purchase). Bonus data is only valid in the month of purchase/renewal and does not rollover. You are able to purchase additional data should your monthly allocations run out. Unused data will only rollover if the service is active and paid up to date. Unused anytime top up data is valid for 60 days from purchase and night surfer top up data is valid for 30 days from purchase.
Data is used in the following sequence:
Anytime bonus data
Anytime data
Anytime top up data
During Night Surfer Hours 12am to 7am
Night surfer data
Anytime data
Anytime top up data
Data usage information and data balances are provided to Imaginet once every 24 hours by Telkom. This information will be updated as received and can be viewed in your Control Panel: youradsl.co.za
This service is a mobile wireless service which can be used anywhere within Telkom Fixed LTE Coverage areas. Imaginet will not provide Support Services when the service is used outside of a coverage area. Clients who proceed with the purchase of the service and are not covered under the Coverage Map at the address they intend to use the service at do so at their own risk, service is in no way guaranteed in areas not displayed on the coverage map.
The service can only be purchased together with a modem, the make and model will be determined at Imaginet/Telkom's discretion. The SIM must be used in the modem provided, failure to do so may result in the service not working.
The modem carries a 1 year Warranty if ordered through Imaginet together with the Telkom SIM, device warranty claims for the modem will be handled by Imaginet who will deal directly with the Supplier on the clients behalf.
In line with the Consumer Protection Act, Imaginet has a 5 business day return policy. Units returned must be returned as shipped (i.e. same cosmetic condition and all shipped packaging, parts and accessories included) to be eligible for refund or exchange. The cost of returning the device is the responsibility of the client and will be charged to the clients account if arranged by Imaginet.
The SIM and Device will be delivered within 7-10 business days from the date of order, provided payment has cleared (payment clearance can take up to 3 days). Once delivered please allow up to 24 hours from the time the SIM Card is inserted into the modem for the data to be allocated.
The purchase of the Telkom Fixed LTE service is subject to RICA and you will be required to provide certain documentation when signing up as well as on delivery of the device/SIM, the requirements will be communicated to you. Clients will provide their RICA documents to the courier on delivery and the documents will be sent to Imaginet, as such please be advised that your personal details will be received by the courier, courier company and Imaginet. Your personal details will only be used for the purpose of RICA and for no other reason provided it is not required by law. Together with these Terms & Conditions the purchase and use of this service is subject to the Terms & Conditions of Telkom SA SOC Limited which can be found here http://www.telkom.co.za/about_us/regulatory/terms-and-conditions.shtml
Business Uncapped packages will only connect from 00:00 to 19:00 (midnight to 7PM). From 19:00 to 24:00 (7PM to midnight) the connection cannot be used.
Uncapped (not Business) will work at all hours of the day and night.
Both Telkom Fixed LTE Uncapped packages are subject to throtlling based on usage in any given month.
The first 250GB used in a month will be available at up to 10Mbps.
The next 50GB will be available at up to 4Mbps.
All usage thereafter will be at up to 2Mbps until connection speed resets at the end of the month.
P2P and NNTP traffic will be subject to shaping and throttling.
Vodacom Fixed LTE services will only work in areas with coverage. It is the client's responsibility to ensure that their address is covered.
The speed and availability of this service is not guaranteed.
Services only work with the SIM cards provided by Imaginet.
SIM delivery and activation takes 2 - 5 working days and will take place after payment of the courier delivery fee. The client will be provided witha quote for delivery before your shipment is booked.
The SIM will be locked to the location provided at sign up, this location must also be the location where the first connection is made and cannot be used at another location. We reserve the right to permanently suspend and cancel a service that is found to be moved to different geographical locations often. Vodacom will allow one change in location per year, please provide us with 30 days' notice thereof in order for us to submit the request timeously. Should the new location not be within Vodacom Fixed LTE Coverage the service will need to be cancelled. The standard cancellation policy and applicable fees will apply.
Only the following devices are supported. Vodacom Fixed LTE services will not work with any other devices and it is the client's responsibility to ensure that their device is compatible. No refunds will be provided for services which cannot be used due to device incompatiility.
- Alcatel Linkhub HH72v
- Huawei Sharelink B525S-65A
- Huawei Sharelink B525S-65A 3
- Huawei Sharelink B612-233
- Huawei Sharelink B612-233
- Huawei Sharelink B612S-25D
- Huawei Sharelink B612S-25D
- Huawei Sharelink B618S-22D
- Huawei Sharelink 5G CPE PRO2 (H122-373)
- Huawei Sharelink B535-932
- Nokia Sharelink Fastmile 5G Gateway (5G-04W-A)
- TP Link MR600
- ZTE MF286R
- ZTE MF286C1
- ZTE Sharelink MC801A
The purchase of the Vodacom Fixed LTE service is subject to RICA and you will be required to provide proof of ID and proof of address when signing up as well as on delivery of the device/SIM.
Vodacom Capped LTE services can be topped up. Unused data and top-ups will roll over for one calendar month.
Fodacom uncapped packages are NOT billed pro-rata; the full monthly fee will apply regardless of the date on which the service commences.
The following acceptable use policy applies:
Package | Usage limit | Speed after limit |
20 Mbps | 50 GB | 2 Mbps |
30 Mbps | 150 GB | 2 Mbps |
50 Mbps | 300 GB | 2 Mbps |
Pro | 600 GB | 1 Mbps |
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with the back-up service at the size limit that is chosen by the subscriber during the application process. This will include a single seat license and access to software for the purpose of accessing and using the service. Multiple seat licenses will be made available upon request.
The subscriber understands that any ADSL or 3G data used to upload content using the software may contribute towards his/her monthly data cap or limit, or in the case of Uncapped packages may affect his/her star rating.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the subscriber understands that Imaginet will have administrative access to any data that these services are used for. This includes, but is not limited to, the copying and storing of data as part of this service.
The subscriber further agrees that any software provided will only be used for the purposes of the service and will not be distributed, modified, decompiled or altered in any way.
The subscriber understands that these services are used at his/her own discretion and risk, and that the software provided and the service itself are provided “as is” without warranty, and Imaginet cannot be held liable for performance of the software or for loss of data resulting from the use of the service.
Should a subscriber elect to use an encryption key for security purposes, he/she understands that Imaginet does not receive or store such encryption data on his/her behalf. Should such an encryption key be lost, Imaginet will not be able to assist with the restoration or retrieval of data.
The subscriber further understands that the software used for this product may collect data relating to statistics, performance and configuration settings to be sent to authorised third parties for anonymous analysis for the purposes of service improvement.
This promotion is valid for a limited time only and may end without notice.
Huawei E5576 Devices are available for R1147 and ZTE MF286C (MTN Fixed LTE-A Compatible category 6) for R2683 once-off respectively. Should the customer wish to defer part of this payment the following 6-month terms are available:
Huawei E5576: R349 once-off, payable before delivery. R133 per month for 6 months thereafter, to be invoiced with the clients monthly services from the 1st of the month after the order is placed.
ZTE MF286C: R1411 once-off, payable before delivery. R212 per month for 6 months thereafter, to be invoiced with the clients monthly services from the 1st of the month after the order is placed.
Orders for new installations, reactivation of inactive lines, upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations can take up to 30 days to complete. Every effort will be made to complete orders as quickly as possible, but time to completion cannot be guaranteed, and orders cannot be scheduled for completion on any specific date.
Pending orders cannot be escalated or expedited until 3 weeks after the order was placed with the network operator. If an order has been pending for 3 weeks, Imaginet will automatically escalate the order, and the client does not need to request escalation. Imaginet follows up on all pending orders every day, and feedback will be provided to the client as soon as it is received.
The hardware installed at the client's premises by the fibre network operator's contractors, including but not limited to the Fibre Optical Network Terminal (ONT), remains the property of the fibre network operator. If a client with a fibre service moves to a different address, the fibre networks operator's hardware must be left at the premises when the client vacates.
Fibre is a best-effort service. This means that network availability and uptime are not guaranteed. No discounts, refunds, rebates, or credits will be issued for any time during which a fibre service is unavailable.
This promotion starts on 18th July 2019, is limited and may end at any time without prior notice. The promotion applies to purchases of the Fibre Uncapped Combo’s only, across all Fibre Providers unless otherwise stated. The Promotion excludes Pre-Orders.
Imaginet will pay the standard installation and connection fees of a new installation on behalf of our client during this promotion to a maximum of R3,000.00. Imaginet will only cover the cost it would usually bill the client outside of this promotion and does not cover any fees due to other providers where additional installation/trenching fees may apply.
Imaginet will provide a free fibre router valued at up to R799.00, the make and model thereof is determined at Imaginet’s discretion. The free fibre router includes free delivery.
Should the service be set to cancel or transfer to another ISP within 6 months of the activation date a cancellation fee of R999.00 will become payable before the cancellation is processed together with a full calendar months’ notice. Should the monthly payment for the service fall into arrears the service will be cancelled and the cancellation fee of R999.00 will automatically be billed to the clients account.
If the Fibre Line cannot be installed or the installation/activation is cancelled the client will have the option of purchasing the router or returning it to us in its original packaging and condition. In cases where the installation/activation has been cancelled by the client, the collection costs will be for the clients account.
Downgrades to a smaller package/service/speed from what was originally purchased will not be permitted within 6 months of the activation date, however, upgrades are allowed. Cancellation within the first six months will be subject to a cancellation fee of R999.00.
Frogfoot downgrades
All downgrades of Frogfoot services are subject to a once-off fee of R250, to be added to the client's invoice in the month after the downgrade was requested.
Imaginet will provide the subscriber with a web design service, to be used in conjunction with a hosting package supplied by Imaginet or hosted elsewhere on a server of their own choice.
The website product is one of those chosen under the website offering of Managed Solutions and the client is required to commit to the contract period of 12 months.
The client undertakes to provide Imaginet with content, photographs, logos and other material needed to make the development of the site a possibility.
Each product under Managed Solutions is a monthly subscription but the client agrees to pay the subscription for the period of 12 months.
Default of the payment will result in suspension of the site and handover of the client to debt collection for follow up payments.
The payment will be made via debit order or EFT monthly before the 10th of the month or as per the invoice date on record.
On the completion of the 12 month contract, the client is able to cancel with 30 days notice or a calender's month. All cancellations must be submitted before the 25th day of the month.